Using a protractor

At the top of the activity are some tools. Click on the tool to find out what it does.
To measure an angle, first select the 'move' tool by left-clicking on it.
Then left-click and drag the protractor so that the centre of the protractor lies on top of B.
Then select the rotate tool. Left-click on the point B.
Left-click on the protractor and rotate it until the base line lies on BC.
Measure the angle with the protractor. Then move the protractor off the angle.
Select the text tool, left-click in a space and write down the angle.
Then left-click on the show/hide tool to check your answer.

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If you would like more practice, click the reset button (with the two blue arrows) on the right.
Then select the 'Move' tool.
Click and drag A, B or C to new positions and have another go!

Created with GeoGebra