Katie Chicot


Distance travelled: Supporting women returning to careers in STEM – eSTEeM funded project

The project aim is to develop a model to support students into STEM employment – this will involve support to Get in, Get back in or Get on (entry, return or progression) and will include the development of new and relevant skills for those who are already in employment as well as career advice and professional development for those who are not currently working.

The project firstly has gathered robust evidence from participants on the T160 and T161 Return to SET courses and other sources. This project proposes to evaluate the long term outcomes in terms of employability and career progression for students who participated on the T160 and T161 courses between 2005 and 2010, with a view to creating a new model for delivery of the existing course materials which may for example be based on Open Learn and be adopted more widely for post graduate CPD in STEM. We are seeking to establish a sustainable model which meets the needs of students and professionals who are seeking to build and develop careers in STEM.
 A 'racetrack' interactivity was developed and a prototype can be seen here.

Contact: Katie Chicot k.m.chicot@open.ac.uk